Our college utilizes technology in improving class room instruction, building teacher capacity, enabling educational access for students in remote areas, and improving the overall education system through better planning and management.
Sl. no. | Name of the faculty | Designation | Department | Position |
1 | Dr.B.Venkata Ramana Reddy | Principal & Professor | CSE | Chairperson |
2 | Dr.D.Magdalene Delighta Angeline | Associate Professor | CSE | Dean ICT |
3 | Mr.M.Anil Kumar | Assistant Professor | EEE | Department Coordinator |
4 | Mr.T.Gopala Krishna | Assistant Professor | ECE | Department Coordinator |
5 | Mr.G.Rahul Kumar | Assistant Professor | MECH | Department Coordinator |
6 | Mr.K.Venkaiah | Assistant Professor | IT | Department Coordinator |
7 | Mrs.Y.V.Nagajyothi | Assistant Professor | H&S | Department Coordinator |
8 | Ms.Arshia Tabassum | Assistant Professor | MBA | Department Coordinator |
2020-21 EVENT
Seminar on Google Classroom - 18.03.2021
Information Communication Technology (ICT) Classroom
Our college provides ICT based teaching-learning with enhanced technology, foster opportunities for teaching by computers, LCD projectors, software, PowerPoint, networking, and audio/visual aids. Our college provides ICT infrastructure in terms of software, hardware and data storage. ICT infrastructure provides a computer, a headphone, an Internet connection, continuous electricity, a reliable technical support and all other ICT supportive tools enhancing potential of teacher in a classroom teaching. With the available ICT infrastructure, it is possible to conduct 30 online classes simultaneously.

ICT infrastructure

Data storage for presentation materials using Google Drive
At the same time, webcasting lecture through Zoom and Skype also help for uniform quality education and to reach out students at geographically distant places. Our faculty members are utilizing educational material such as multimedia like animation, visuals, and multimedia presentations with the learners.

Webcasting lecture through Zoom
Interactive and gamified learning experiences help boost knowledge retention of the students. Our faculty members make lessons with features like flip cards, quizzes, puzzles, matching, and discussion boards.

Learning through Gamification
- Instant messaging
Instant messaging via whatsapp is done through which all the communications related to class as well as learning materials are provided. The user can refer them whenever he gets online, as the message(s) are available in threads.
- Messaging
Through e-mail all the contents related to a particular subject with optional attachments of, files, images, or other data sent through a network to students. Also, using E mail facility, faculty members send important information, schedules, and assignments to students and can receive it back. Teachers and students can also exchange notes and feedback through e mail.
- Moodle Cloud
Our college also provides virtual learning environment using a Learning Management System (LMS) such as Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (MOODLE) cloud for creating e-classroom and courses. The students access to subject content inform of learning materials, reference materials, video tutorials etc uploaded on the course site. LMS provide collection of tools such as discussion board, email, chat session, instant message for communication with peer and tutors. The learning progress of the students can be assessed by automated multiple choice questions, submission type of questions, progress can be tracked, grades can be awarded to the students.

Learning Management System – Moodle Cloud
Open Educational Resource (OER)
The greater use of Student Directed Learning through ICT in form of personalized learning using video tutorials and interactive, digital libraries, e-books, web-cast lectures, Virtual Labs, Small Open Online Courses (SPOOCs), Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have exponential benefits to the students. Open Educational Resource provide free, searchable, access to course materials for educators, students, and self-learners around the world. OER learning materials such as
- Virtual Lab
- Interactive Videos
- Digital Library
- Textbooks
- Audio-Video Lectures
- Animations
- Audio
- Collections of Journal Articles
- Software Tools
Virtual Lab
Virtual lab is helpful for our students to enrich their technical knowledge in advanced concepts and acquire innovative skills, through remote experimentation. In Virtual Lab there are lots of tools available by which students learn practically and these tools helps them for learning, including additional web-resources, video-lectures, animated demonstrations and self-evaluation.

Virtual Labs
Interactive Videos
A tutorial method of transferring knowledge has been implemented as a part of a learning process.
IIT Bombay Spoken Tutorial
The employment potential of our students is improved using spoken tutorial while teaching them programming skills. Open Source software courses available in spoken tutorial are helpful to our students for getting placement, developing technical knowledge in advanced concepts and acquiring innovative skills for Research.

Spoken Tutorial
The teaching and learning process is enriched with Mass online open courses (MOOC). The courses available in Coursera provide high quality and flexibility learning style to our students and teaching faculty.
Our faculty members and students are getting registered with courses available in SWAYAM NPTEL. It helps to get updated with the latest technologies and also bring out the self-learning initiative of the students.
IEEE Xplore Digital Library
Our faculty members and students are effectively utilizing IEEE Xplore Digital Library for their learning. Also, journal articles, conference proceedings help to engage in research activities.

Usage of IEEE Xplore Digital Library
Life skills through technology
Using technology in the classroom, our teachers and students are developing skills that are essential to be successful in the future. Important skills such as practical skills, including creating presentations, learning to differentiate reliable from unreliable sources on the Internet, maintaining proper online protocol, and writing emails are developed in the classroom through technology.
Last Updated on June 27, 2023 by admin