Institution Grievance Redressal Cell (IGRC)
Click here for Grievance Redressal Committee & Ombudsperson
The Statutory Committee Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC) is formed as per Clause 1 of section 23 of the AICTE Act, 1987 (52 of 1987) AICTE.
Institution has constituted a separate Grievance Redressal Cell in accordance with the guide lines issued by AICTE. The Committee ensures transparency by technical institutions imparting technical education in admissions, preventing unfair practices, complaints of alleged discrimination by students of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, OBC, Women, Minority or Disabled Categories, scholarship issues and sexual harassment and to provide a mechanism to innocent students and stakeholders for redressal of their grievances.“Grievance Redressal Cell” handles routine issues and reports to the committees. Any grievance reported is scrutinized and necessary actions are always taken by the Cell. In case of emergency, the Principal conducts meetings and addresses the problems immediately.
Mechanism of Grievance Redressal Cell
- This Cell deals with all the Grievances directly which is related to the common problems at Institute level both Academic and Administrative.
- The aggrieved individual (Faculty/staff/student) shall indicate the details of his/her grievance in a prescribed format (designed for the purpose) and submit the same to the Principal, who in turn will refer the same to the Chairman of the concerned redressal committee.
- The Grievance of the individual will be given fair and reasonable opportunity to be heard in detail before the Chairman and other members of the concerned Committee, in a peaceful and conciliatory environment depending upon the issue and if need be, appropriate evidence in the form of a material evidence or personal witness may be introduced by the aggrieved.
- The Chairman of the Committee, in consultation with the other member(s) will submit the report to the Principal, at the earliest possible.
- The Principal in turn, depending upon the nature, magnitude and jurisdiction of the issue, will arrange for the appropriate and early measure of redressal of grievance, under the direction of the management and the same will be communicated to the aggrieved person.
- All the proceedings of the grievance mechanism will be suitably documented and recorded.
- In case of Sensitive matters related matters related to offences pertaining to sexual discrimination or damage to any particular individual the matter is kept confidential.
- Hearing of grievance committee is done in such a way that no information purpulate out before action is taken.
- In case any penalty is awarded to any faculty member it is recorded and kept in personal file of the concerned.
This committee will meet at least once in a semester and submit its minutes of meeting to principal for necessary actions.
Committee Details
Sl. no. | Name of the faculty | Designation | Department | Position |
1 | Dr. B. Venkata Ramana Reddy | Principal & Professor | CSE | Chairperson |
2 | Dr.T V S Arun Murthy | Vice Principal | H&S | Faculty Representative |
3 | Dr.D.Magdalene Delighta Angeline | Associate Professor | CSE | Coordinator |
4 | Dr.B.Ravikumar | Associate Professor | H&S | Member |
5 | Mrs.K.Mary Suseela | Assistant Professor | H&S | Member |
6 | Mr.L.Sreenivasa Rao | Assistant Professor | Mech | Member |
7 | Mr.K.Ravinder | Assistant Professor | ECE | Member |
8 | Mr.P.Veeresh | Assistant Professor | EEE | Member |
9 | Dr.B.Uma Rani | Assistant Professor | MBA | Member |
10 | Ms.K.Chandrika | Assistant Professor | IT | Member |
11 | Mrs.G.Lavanya | Assistant Professor | CSM | Member |
12 | Mrs.T.Shailaja | Sr. Office Assistant | Office | Member |
Student Committee Details
Sl. no. | Name of the student | Roll No. | Department |
1 | Janappareddy Sai Maansi | 19J21A0533 | CSE |
2 | Nagri Kalyan | 18J21A0573 | CSE |
3 | Nimma Sai Teja Reddy | 19J21A0447 | ECE |
4 | Koshika Mohan Sai | 19J25A0411 | ECE |
5 | Gundeti Vaishnavi | 18J21A1211 | IT |
6 | Sanikommu Vamsi Reddy | 19J25A0232 | EEE |
7 | Jettuboina Raja Phanendra | 18J21A1214 | MECH |
Snapshots of the Events 2022-23

Interactive Session on “UGC (Redressal of Grievances of Students Regulations 2023)” – 09.05.2023

Youth Conclave on “Drug Addicts and Women Safety” – 20.12.2022
Last Updated on December 12, 2024 by admin