Research is the back bone of academics. For the promotion of research, institute has Research and Development Cell.











The institution has initiated many measures in promoting research activities and created an ecosystem for innovation through centers like incubation and other promotional cells/committees. The institute has a dedicated Research and Development Cell which aims at nurturing research culture in the College by promoting research activities. It encourages the faculty and also the students to undertake the research in newly emerging frontier areas of Engineering, Technology, Science and Humanities including multidisciplinary fields. This is promoted through enhancing the general research capability by way of participating in conferences, seminars, workshops, project competitions, Training programs etc. Further, in order to promote research and development activities, the college extends its full support to students/ faculty/ staff, Full/Partial financial support is extended to all innovative research & development works taken up by the students, faculty and staff members. The institution has a Research and Development Cell in addition to state of art technology laboratories, Incubation center facilities to encourage and monitor research activities.

The Institute has a Research and Development Cell which is constituted by a 22 member research committee headed by Dr. S. Sathish Kumar, Professor, EEE as Dean R&D.

Research and Development Cell comprising of the following members




Role in CRDC


Dr.B.Venkata Ramana Reddy

Professor in CSE and Principal



Dr.Rami Reddy

Professor, Dept. of EEE

Dean R&D


Dr. T.V.S. Arun Murthy

Professor & HOD, H&S



Dr. T.Mallikarjuna Raju

Professor & HOD, MBA



Dr.Dasari Govardhan

Assoc. Professor & HOD, ME



Dr.Abdul Raheem

Assoc. Professor & HOD, ECE




Assoc. Professor & HOD, CSE



Dr.Magdalene Delighta Angeline

Assoc. Professor, CSE




Asst. Professor, Dept. of H&S



Mr.A. Rajaiah

Asst. Professor, Dept. of ECE



Mr.Thimma Reddy

Asst. Professor, Dept. of IT



Mr.L.Srinivas Rao

Asst. Professor, Dept. of ME



Mr.G. Naveen

Assoc. Professor, Dept. of EEE


Functions of College Research Committee are identified as following

  • To make the institute as a Research Centre of affiliating University / Other organizations.
  • To encourage /motivate faculty to take research initiatives in the department.
  • To encourage /motivate faculty and students to take research initiatives through the incubation centers which work in collaboration with the organizations through MOUs
  • To provide adequate infrastructure and support in terms of technology and information needs.
  • Facilitating timely auditing and submission of utilization certificates.
  • To obtain information once in three months in the prescribed format on faculty involvement on guiding students, paper publications, research projects from external funding agencies and involving in collaborative research activity.
  • Arranging guest lecturers under Institute-Industry-Interaction programs to promote research on industry needs.
  • Modernizing the existing laboratories with additional experimental set ups/ instruments and technology for utilizing the labs for research activity,
  • To provide facility to the faculty in the form of incentives, sabbatical leaves, academic leaves for improving their qualification and quality of research.
  • Sponsoring faculty and students to present papers at National /International conferences as per the stipulated guidelines mentioned in the Quality Document of the institute.
  • To provide autonomy to the Principal investigators as per the guidelines provided by the funding authorities.
  • To provide information about various funding agencies, method of applying for projects etc.

Recommendations of the “College Research and Development Cell (CRDC)”

  • To address the issues of research, innovation.
  • To create awareness among the students and faculty on the culture of research and aptitude.
  • To conduct/ participate in workshops, training programs and sensitization programs on capacity building in terms of research and consultancy and imbibing research culture among staff and students.
  • To depute senior faculty to various research organizations for getting collaborative projects and adopting best practices.
  • To provide budget for in-house R & D projects mentioning the guidelines and targets to achieve the expected outcome of the projects proposed.
  • To appoint part-time Research Advisors for promoting the quality of research and guidance for applying for projects.
  • To provide information about various funding agencies, method of applying for projects etc.

Impact on recommendations of the “College Research and Development Cell (CRDC)”

  • Management is encouraging the faculty to attend and present Research Papers, Research Publications etc. JBREC has started “J B R E C Research Review” Quarterly Journal for publications of the articles by the JBREC Faculty & Staff for internal Circulation.
  • The institute has applied for recognition of Research centers in branches of ECE, CSE & ME of the college to the affiliating university, JNTUH.
  • The college facilitates timely auditing and submission of utilization Certificates.
  • Conducted frequent awareness programs for both students and faculty encouraging them to take up industry/ society oriented projects.
  • Existing laboratories are modernized with additional equipment and experimental set-up to promote research activity in the campus.
  • The institute has provided motivational incentives to the faculty who involve in acquiring Ph.Ds. in getting projects from external agencies and publish papers.
  • The college deputed faculty to present papers at various national and international conferences and many papers were published.

Efforts made by the institution in developing scientific temper and research culture and aptitude among students.

The institution has taken the following measures to develop scientific temper and research culture and aptitude among students.

  • The College has established a college research committee, incubation centers to promote research and consultancy activity in the campus.
  • Guest lectures by eminent researchers, academicians and industrialists are arranged to create awareness and interest among the students and faculty on research.
  • It also to provide information about various funding agencies, method of applying for projects etc.
  • Seed money towards paper presentations, attending R & D orientation workshops, seminars etc.
  • Providing infrastructure facilities, space for department research centers, Procurement of equipment and software.
  • Providing e-classrooms with LAN connectivity, LCD projectors, Audio-visual arrangements etc.
  • Enhancing the existing labs with research oriented equipment and establishing research labs.
  • Hobby workshops to inculcate practical exposure and various clubs at department levels.
  • The students are guided and encouraged to present papers in the seminars and conferences.
  • The students are guided and encouraged in applying research projects for CSI, IETE and other agencies.
  • To inculcate scientific temper, research culture and aptitude among students in all the departments are encouraged to take up in-house multidisciplinary projects among various courses.
  • The faculty and students are encouraged to visit research oriented labs, industries such as DRDO, BHEL, BDL. Students are permitted to do their major projects in Govt., recognized research laboratories.

Students are taken to Production industries and research labs like DRDO, RCI, BDL, BHEL and many more institutions to interact with industrial experts regularly.

Last Updated on July 21, 2023 by admin