Research and Development (R&D) Activities in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) create a culture of creativity, exploration, and innovative research. Our faculty members regularly publish their research findings in reputed journals, conferences, and books.

We encourage and support our students to participate in research activities. Under the guidance of faculty members, our students carry out research projects, leading to conference presentations and publications in peer-reviewed journals. We encourage faculty and students to explore patenting opportunities to protect their intellectual property and promote technology transfer. Through our publications, projects, and collaborations, we aim to make a positive impact on society and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field.


Journal Publications

Sl.No. Name of the Faculty Title of the paper Name of the Journal ISSN No.
1 Dr.B.Venkata Ramana Reddy PaaS platform security enhancement using fuzzy based access control and trust based signature
Scopus Indexed
Expert Systems 1468-0394
2 Dr.T.Prabakaran Enhancing Fruit and Vegetable Preservation with Support Vector Machine and IoT Connectivity
Scopus Indexed
IEEE Xplore 979-8-3503-8272-3
3 Mr.MD.Chan Basha Securing Data with Block chain and AI
Referred Journal
The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis 08886-9367
4 Mr.Jamal Securing Data with Block chain and AI
Referred Journal
The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis 08886-9367

Conference Publications

Sl.No. Name of the Faculty Title of the paper Name of the Conference Date of Conference
1 Dr.T.Prabakaran Cloud-Driven Collaborative Filtering and Waiter Robots Transforming Customer Experiences in Restaurants 2024 International Conference on Advances in Modern Age Technologies for Health and Engineering Science (AMATHE) 12.04.2024 – 14.04.2024
2 Dr.T.Prabakaran IoT-Genomics Analysis for Personal Health with Cybergenomics and Cloud Technology 2024 10th International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP) 16.05.2024 – 17.05.2024
3 Dr.T.Prabakaran Enhancing Fruit and Vegetable Preservation with Support Vector Machine and IoT Connectivity International Conference on Automation and Computation (AUTOCOM) 15.03.2024 & 16.03.2024
4 Dr.T.Prabakaran Revolutionizing Education: Assessing the Effectiveness of SER-CTL Methodology in Post-COVID Learning Environments 1st International Conference on Machine Learning Algorithms (ICMLA) 23.02.2024 & 24.02.2024
5 Dr.D.Magdalene Delighta Angeline Revolutionizing Education: Assessing the Effectiveness of SER-CTL Methodology in Post-COVID Learning Environments 1st International Conference on Machine Learning Algorithms (ICMLA) 23.02.2024 & 24.02.2024
6 Mr.T.Shesagiri Essential Security Practices for Safeguarding Cloud Environments 1st International Conference on Machine Learning Algorithms (ICMLA) 23.02.2024 & 24.02.2024
7 Dr.T.Prabakaran Essential Security Practices for Safeguarding Cloud Environments 1st International Conference on Machine Learning Algorithms (ICMLA) 23.02.2024 & 24.02.2024
8 Mr.K.Suresh Essential Security Practices for Safeguarding Cloud Environments 1st International Conference on Machine Learning Algorithms (ICMLA) 23.02.2024 & 24.02.2024
9 Mr.L.Nagendra Kumar Essential Security Practices for Safeguarding Cloud Environments 1st International Conference on Machine Learning Algorithms (ICMLA) 23.02.2024 & 24.02.2024
10 Dr.T.Prabakaran Sentiment Analysis for Enhancing Customer Reviews in the Business Sector with Explainable AI International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (ICKEAI-2024) 16.02.2024 & 17.02.2024
11 Dr.D.Magdalene Delighta Angeline Sentiment Analysis for Enhancing Customer Reviews in the Business Sector with Explainable AI International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (ICKEAI-2024) 16.02.2024 & 17.02.2024
12 Dr.T.Prabakaran Enhancing Hotel Services in the Industry 5.0 era 2nd International Conference on Industry 5.0 & its Managerial Applications 18.12.2023 & 19.12.2023
13 Dr.D.Magdalene Delighta Angeline Enhancing Hotel Services in the Industry 5.0 era 2nd International Conference on Industry 5.0 & its Managerial Applications 18.12.2023 & 19.12.2023
14 Ms.Shaika Fatima Revolutionizing Education with Industry 5.0 2nd International Conference on Industry 5.0 & its Managerial Applications 18.12.2023 & 19.12.2023
15 Ms.Huma Qamar Khan Revolutionizing Education with Industry 5.0 2nd International Conference on Industry 5.0 & its Managerial Applications 18.12.2023 & 19.12.2023
16 Dr.D.Magdalene Delighta Angeline Revolutionizing Education with Industry 5.0 2nd International Conference on Industry 5.0 & its Managerial Applications 18.12.2023 & 19.12.2023

Book Publications

Sl. no. Name of the faculty Title of the Book Year ISBN No.

Publisher Name

1 Dr.T.Prabakaran Data Science and Machine Learning 2024 978-81-974272-7-5 RK Publishers
2 Dr.D.Magdalene Delighta Angeline Emotional Intelligence on Academic Performance using Data Mining 2023 978-620-6-75122-9 LAP Publishers


Journal Publications

Sl.No. Name of the Faculty Title of the paper Name of the Journal ISSN No.
1 Dr.B.Venkata Ramana Reddy LT-SMF: long term stock market price trend prediction using optimal hybrid machine learning technique
Scopus Indexed
Artificial Intelligence Review 1573-7462
2 Dr.B.Venkata Ramana Reddy Rotational Invariant G-L Fractional Derivative Filters for Lung Tissue Classification
Scopus Indexed
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems 1006-5911
3 Dr.B.Venkata Ramana Reddy Development of FD Filter Banks for the Screening of Interstitial Lung Diseases
Scopus Indexed
Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology 0367-6234
4 Dr.B.Venkata Ramana Reddy Diagnosis of Pulmonary Nodules using Multi-size Multi-Branch 3D-CNN Architecture
Scopus Indexed
Neuro Quantalogy 1303-5150
5 Dr.B.Venkata Ramana Reddy Multi-Scale Convolution Neural
Networks for Interstitial Lung Diseases Classification Using Learned Gabor Filters
SCI Journal
Microsystems Technologies 1432-1858
6 Dr.T.Prabakaran A Framework for eHealth Care Based on Medical IoT
Web of Science
Indian Journal of Natural Sciences 0976-0997
7 Dr.D.Magdalene Delighta Angeline Identification of Learners’ Emotions in a Learning Environment using Naive Bayes Algorithm and Evaluation of Academic Achievement with Random Forest Algorithm
Web of Science
International Journal of Information Retrieval Research 2155-6385
8 Dr.D.Magdalene Delighta Angeline Student absenteeism in engineering college using rough set and data mining approach
Scopus Indexed
International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms 1755-0394
9 Dr.M.Giri Comparison and Analysis of Reactive Routing Protocols over MANET Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology 2395-5295
10 Mrs.Kalpana Chauhan Comparison and Analysis of Reactive Routing Protocols
over MANET
Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology 2395-5295
11 Dr.T.Prabakaran Comparison and Analysis of Reactive Routing Protocols over MANET Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology 2395-5295
12 Dr.M.Giri Analysis on various routing protocol for detecting wormhole attacks in mobile Ad-Hoc Network International Journal for Innovative Engineering and Management Research 2456-5083
13 Mrs.Kalpana Chauhan Analysis on various routing protocol for detecting wormhole attacks in mobile Ad-Hoc Network International Journal for Innovative Engineering and Management Research 2456-5083
14 Dr.T.Prabakaran Analysis on various routing protocol for detecting wormhole attacks in mobile Ad-Hoc Network International Journal for Innovative Engineering and Management Research 2456-5083

Conference Publications

Sl.No. Name of the Faculty Title of the paper Name of the Conference Date of Conference
1 Dr.B.Venkata Ramana Reddy Classification of Interstitial Lung Diseases Using Gabor Filters ICACCEST-2022
2 Dr.T.Prabakaran Analysis on various routing protocol for detecting wormhole attacks in mobile AD-HOC networks 2nd International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Data Engineering 06.01.2023 & 07.01.2023
3 Dr. M.Giri Comparison and Analysis of Reactive Routing Protocols over MANET AICTE Sponsored International Conference on Recent Advancements in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing –ICAISC 2022 02.12.2022 & 03.12.2022
4 Mrs.Kalpana Chauhan Comparison and Analysis of Reactive Routing Protocols over MANET AICTE Sponsored International Conference on Recent Advancements in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing –ICAISC 2022 02.12.2022 & 03.12.2022
5 Mrs.Kalpana Chauhan Analysis on various routing protocol for detecting wormhole attacks in mobile AD-HOC networks 2nd International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Data Engineering 06.01.2023 & 07.01.2023
6 Dr. M.Giri Analysis on various routing protocol for detecting wormhole attacks in mobile AD-HOC networks 2nd International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Data Engineering 06.01.2023 & 07.01.2023
7 Dr.T.Prabakaran Comparison and Analysis of Reactive Routing Protocols over MANET International Conference on Recent Advancements in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing
02.12.2022 & 03.12.2022
8 Dr.M.Giri Monitoring Heartbeat for Arrhythmia Patient’s using IOT AICTE sponsored International Conference (Online) on Future Electric Vehicular Mobility and its Challenges 21.12.2021 & 22.12.2021
9 Dr.M.Giri Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Image Transgression Detection: A Review AICTE sponsored International Conference (Online) on Future Electric Vehicular Mobility and its Challenges 21.12.2021 & 22.12.2021
10 Dr.M.Giri Smart Irrigation System using IOT AICTE sponsored International Conference (Online) on Future Electric Vehicular Mobility and its Challenges 21.12.2021 & 22.12.2021

Book Publications

Sl. no. Name of the faculty Title of the Book Year ISBN No.

Publisher Name

1 Dr.T.Prabakaran Advanced Web Programming and Internet Technologies 2022 978-93-92992-47-6 Scientific International Publishing House (SIPH)
2 Dr.T.Prabakaran Learners’ Learning Using Design Thinking Learning Approach (DTLA) with Machine Learning August 2022 978-1-032-03905-3 CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group
3 Dr.D.Magdalene Delighta Angeline Learners’ Learning Using Design Thinking Learning Approach (DTLA) with Machine Learning August 2022 978-1-032-03905-3 CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group
4 Dr.D.Magdalene Delighta Angeline Analyzing the significance of Learner Emotions using Data Analytics January 2023 978179 9892205 IGI Global


Sl. no. Name of the inventor Dept. Patent title Application no. Date








A Machine learning based bandwidth monitoring and notification system for ensuring effective and quality service of telecom operator 202241000029 01/01/2022 Published


Dr.D.Magdalene Delighta Angeline




Intelligent Methods for Academic Achievement using Machine Learning 202241025696A 13/05/2022 Published






An efficient Method and System for image forgery detection using deep neural network 2021107085 17/11/2021 Published






Machine Learning Technique to Analyze the condition of Covid-19 Patients based on their saturation levels 2021105808 06/10/2021 Published


Dr.D.Magdalene Delighta Angeline




Design and Implementation for traffic violation detection of vehicles using OCR algorithm based on Artificial Intelligence techniques 202141040652A 07/09/2021 Published







Geographic and opportunities opportunistic  routing for underwater sensor networks 201914013089 03/05/2019 Published
20 Dr.T.Prabakaran CSE Intelligent Shoe For Assisting Blind People 201841020233A 08/06/2018 Published

Last Updated on August 1, 2024 by admin