S.No |
Date |
Name of the Activity |
Year |
Reference Link |
1 |
19-03-2020 |
Finishing School Online Classes on Data Structures, JAVA & SQL (Duration: 3- Weeks) |
https://teleuniv.com/teleportal/course-details?cid=39 |
2 |
24-03-2020 |
Grand Summer Internship Fair by Internshala |
I, II, III & IV |
https://internshala.com/the-grand-summer-internship-fair |
3 |
27-03-2020 & 28-03-2020 |
Fight CORONO IDEAthon by MHRD Innovation Cell & FORGE |
I, II, III & IV |
https://www.aicte-india.org/sites/default/files/IndiaFightsCORONA.pdf https://forgeforward.in/fightcorona/ |
4 |
02-04-2020 to 16-04-2020 |
Company Specific Mock Test Series by Placement Season (Duration: 15 - Days) |
III & IV |
https://www.placementseason.com/pages/all-india-free-placement-mock-tests |
5 |
03-04-2020 |
Webinar on - How to Land a High Paying IT Jobs |
III & IV |
https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/6134737627083257612?source=Ankit |
6 |
04-04-2020 |
I,II & III |
https://campuscommune.tcs.com/en-in/intro/contests/codevita-season-9 |
7 |
06-04-2020 |
MIRROR AI - An AI Enabled Interview Practice Tool |
I, II, III & IV |
Students have to download app from Playstore |
8 |
07-04-2020 |
Resume Building By TCS CampusCommune |
https://campuscommune.tcs.com/intro |
9 |
10-04-2020 |
IBM Call for Code 2020 ( 2- Hour enablement for Covid 19) |
III & IV |
https://developer.ibm.com/callforcode/blogs/the-2020-call-for-code-global-challenge-takes-on-covid-19 |
10 |
11-04-2020 |
Webinar on - Web development as a Career for Engineers |
III & IV |
https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/4580034783299176715?source=Praneeth |
11 |
11-04-2020 |
TCS ION - Career Edge - Knockdown the Lockdown |
I, II, III & IV |
https://campuscommune.tcs.com/en-in/intro/view_blog/career-edge-knockdown-the-lockdown |
12 |
14-04-2020 |
Webinar on - "Online Examination Solution - Adapting to the 'New' Normal" by AON-COCUBES |
I, II, III & IV |
https://aonhewitt.webex.com/aonhewitt/onstage/g.php?MTID=e2771d125c6aa791294b3d229e4d4b9e8 |
Last Updated on September 17, 2020 by admin