The Institution adopts the best practices like conducting the workshops by IIT Bombay and IIT Kharagpur to enhance the teaching skills of faculty colleagues in core Engineering and Science subjects, Campus Recruitment Training programme for the students to meet industry standards. Outcome Based Education (OBE) is introduced in the current academic year for the students to impact academic results. Life skills programme implemented to enable the students to learn and practice Life Skills, Leadership skills and Employability Skills. This helps the students to the more competent in dealing with the day to day challenges and leads a positive life in order to achieve their desired Career & Personal goals. Institution Provides Insurance policy for both students and staff for the safety.
Title of the Practice:

Empowerment of Students and Teachers through Synchronous & Asynchronous Instructions (National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) of MHRD))


An important initiative has been taken by IIT Bombay and IIT Kharagpur to work with Engineering Colleges in the country to enhance the teaching skills of faculty colleagues in core Engineering and Science subjects. this project is called ‘Empowerment of Students and Teachers through Synchronous and Asynchronous Instruction; two-week ISTE workshops are conducted during the vacation periods in summer and winter. The lecture transmission and live interaction takes place in distance mode using the AVIEW technology through internet, at the selected remote centers across the country , for each workshop, there will be a faculty to be assigned as Workshop Coordinator for that subject, who will help in conducting laboratories and tutorials at each center. The trained Coordinators then act as Workshop Coordinators during the main workshop, liaising between the participants at their Remote Centers and IIT BOMBAY and IIT KHARAGPUR. During the main workshop, the Workshop Coordinator at every center supervises the tutorials and laboratories. As a result of this Methodology Empowerment of Students and Teachers of Joginpally B.R.Engineering College , Hyderabad , India , through Synchronous & Asynchronous Instructions are utilized in the learning and Teaching methods to improve the subject knowledge and used to implement OBE model for better attainment values for Course Outcomes and Programs Outcomes for courses in the areas of Electronics and Communication engineering , Electrical and Electronics , Computer Science and Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Education at Undergraduate level.


Main Workshops Conducted @JBREC

I, Prof G.Krishnaiah, Dept. of ECE,JBREC ,Remote Centre Co-Ordinator for IIT BOMBAY & IIT KHARAGUR,UNDER NMEICT, Conducted the following Workshops @ JBREC for the faculty and students of J.B.Group of Educational Institutions ,Funded by MHRD(Govt.of INDIA) through IIT BOMBAY & IIT KHARAGUR.

Name of the Workshop




Introduction to Research Methodologies (IIT-Bombay) June 25th, 2012 July 4th, 2012


2 days ISTE Workshop on Aakash for Education (IIT-Bombay) November 10th, 2012 November 11th, 2012


2-WEEK ISTE WORKSHOP on Engineering Thermodynamics
December 11th, 2012 December 21st, 2012


February 2nd, 2013 February 9th, 2013


Aakash Android Application Programming Workshop for Students
February 23rd, 2013 March 3rd, 2013


May 21st, 2013 May 31st, 2013


TWO-WEEK ISTE WORKSHOP on Analog Electronics
June 4th , 2013 June 14th, 2013


TWO-WEEK ISTE WORKSHOP on Engineering Mechanics
November 26th, 2013 December 6th, 2013


January 2 , 2014 to January 12th, 2014


December 2nd ,2014 December 12th ,2014

IITB- RCC-1087.

Title of the Practice

Placement Based training in Engineering Education (CRT)

The main objective of this practice is to improve the academic standards and to provide all the academic facilities to the students based on today’s need of the Software industry/hardware Industry into which the students enter after they complete the course. The purpose of the Training and Placement is to guide students to choose right career and to give knowledge, & skilled manpower which requirements of the Industry standards.

The institute thrives to achieve the standards in both academic and administrative aspects in order to see that students may leave the campus with excellence in all constructive dimensions after completion of their course. CRT is found to be the best practice in most of the organizations to improve the placement of the students. Mostly the training programs start in the final year in many organizations; in our institute we train the students from pre-final year onwards which will help them to enhance their both technical & interpersonal skills for their placement drives. Companies no longer just look for academic excellence, aptitude and group discussion. Yes, they are the corner stone of an interview but more and more companies are looking at how well your students are prepared to work in an industry. Your training should be focused n real world problem and what the industry currently requires.
For an example, for computer science students the training should focus on programming languages such as Java, .Net the two prominent programming languages, and Mobile technologies Android and Objective-C, which is used to develop iPhone apps, are also in great demand. Having your students trained on this will differentiate your college from others and will certainly give you an edge.


Title of the Practice

LIFE SKILLS & EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS :This Programme is intended for the purpose of “Introduction, Implementation of Life Skills & Employability Skills training for students in the main stream four year under graduation courses of Joginpally B.R Engineering College


The objective of this Life Skills HUB is to enable the students to learn and practice Life Skills, Leadership skills and Employability Skills. This helps the students to be more competent in dealing with the day to day challenges and lead a positive life in order to achieve their desired Career & Personal goals. Life skills can act as a single capsule for teaching students’ art of life and giving solution to most of their problems. It develops the way of seeing problems and letting to prepare to handle difficult situations. It provides intrinsic motivation for growth and progress.

The main Objective of the LIFE SKILLS HUB is to transform the Students and the Institution by adapting a structured implementation strategy using experiential learning methodology, NLP techniques, Training and principles of Coaching for imparting life skills & behavioral competencies.
The Underlying principle behind this program is to adapt co-creative relationship & collaborative learning strategies to allow students to come-up with more innovative learning ideas. Lab Sessions are delivered with activities, videos, real-life case studies and assessments. Supporting materials include articles, eBooks, audio & video clips, worksheets and case studies.
Life skills have the ability to bring tremendous modification in engineering student’s behavior and their way to approach engineering field, job market and finally their life.

Evidence of Success

In this program, we work with the concept of enabling processing & integration of knowledge for practical application & direct experience. We achieve significant positive impact by using appropriate methodologies & tools for each specific skill development. This is measured by periodic assessments, behavioral observation, monitoring and evaluated through assessments. The performance of the students can be reviewed on the whole, during the Competitions conducted in every semester for all four years.
Evidence Criteria:

  • Will transform the students and make them ready for Campus recruitments.
  • Will inculcate critical thinking process.
  • Will prepare them on problem solving skills.
  • Will provide symbolic, verbal, and graphical interpretations of statements in a problem description.
  • Will make them able to understand team dynamics & effectiveness.
  • Will make them create an awareness on Engineering Ethics and Human Values.
  • Will instil Moral and Social Values, Loyalty and also to learn to appreciate the rights of others.
  • Will help them to learn leadership qualities and practice them.

6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required

Please identify the problems encountered and resources required to implement the practice (in about 150 words).

Resources required:

  • Life Skills Faculty
  • Life Skills Content & Curriculum
  • Periodic Assessments & Improvements
  • Guidance to the Faculty
  • Need a Life skills expert in Coaching, training, mentoring the faculty
  • Transferring the knowledge from Faculty to students

7. Notes (Optional)

Please add any other information that may be relevant for adopting/ implementing the Best Practice in other institutions (in about 150 words).
Any other information regarding Institutional Values and Best Practices which the HEI would like to include.

Curriculum design outline for developing the Life skills LAB:

Life skills Curriculum for Four Years:

S. NO Year No of modules covered in First Semester No of modules covered in Second Semester Skills Covered in one year
1 First Year




2 Second Year




3 Third Year




4 Fourth Year




All these topics will be covered in approximately 16 LIFE SKILL LABs (Each LAB is of 3 periods) in each semester.

Title of the Practice:
Objectives of the Practice:

  • To focus classroom instruction on the accomplishments i.e. skills/competencies those students must demonstrate when they exit.
  • To provide instruction in order to enable students to understand the interrelationships among the social and cultural bases of human behavior.
  • To equip students with knowledge of research methods appropriate to investigations in engineering and socio-cultural settings.
  • To provide students with sufficient opportunities to practice using the new knowledge and skills that they gain, so that, under the faculty’s guidance, they can explore and experiment with their new learning, correct errors, and adjust thinking.

The Context
The outcome based education model prescribes a core curriculum and other basic requirements. It defines the basic parameters for the outcomes of the program and more on specific outcomes and objectives.
It requires the measurement of outcomes, looking for evidence that these measurements have been used to foster a quality improvement process. It is student centric and focuses on the outcomes achieved by the students.
All stake holders are consulted prior to curriculum development: Faculty, Students, Industry, Management, Alumni, Parents, Government, Special interest groups.
It encourages continuous improvement in curriculum. It assesses graduates in knowledge, skills and attitudes to be industry ready.

The Practice
The JBREC has introduced Outcome Based Education which focuses on measuring student performance based on the resources that are available to the students. OBE gives recognition to the students for the knowledge, skills and attitudes they have acquired.

  • The college clearly defines vision, mission, objectives, outcomes and strategies.
  • The college implements OBE based learning in all the programs by defining respective program objectives, program outcomes and program specific outcomes.
    • All the courses in each program are defined with a set of course objectives and outcomes.
    • Each faculty will prepare course file for each course which contains Department vision, mission, course syllabus, individual time table, program objectives, program outcomes, various mapping matrices, unit plan, lesson plan, course plan, unit wise material, direct and indirect assessments, student grading sheet, surveys/feedbacks collected from students and CO-PO attainment sheet.
    • Each faculty take responsibility as a mentor, counselor, facilitator, guide, assessor, evaluator, learner, and finally as a teacher in OBE system.
    • The college collects the feedback from the students on course structure, infrastructure, faculty, information resources, evaluation, and on the overall OBE system, to establish quality and continuously improve the program.

Vision & Mission

The assessment of student learning begins with educational values and is most effective in understanding of learning as multidimensional, integrated, and revealed in performance over time.
The course outcomes were prepared by the action verbs of blooms taxonomy. The assessment of course outcomes are as follows:

Direct assessment:

Internal Mid Examinations and Assignments

Two Mid Examinations are conducted for students as prescribed by the university norms. There shall be 2 midterm examinations (each for 25 marks), along with 2 assignments in a similar pattern as above [1st mid shall be from 2.5 units, 2nd shall be from remaining 2.5units], and the average marks of the two examinations secured (each evaluated for a total of 25 marks) in each subject shall be considered as final marks for the internals. Each question in the mid exam is mapped to the course outcomes. It is expected that a student should score at least 80% of Maximum marks of the course for the attainment.

End Semester Examination
For theory subjects the distribution shall be 25 marks for Internal Evaluation and 75 marks for the End Examination. It is expected that a student should score at least 40% of Maximum marks of the course for the attainment of course outcomes. The marks scored by the students in Internal Examinations, Assignments and End Semester exams are used to assess the attainment level of the whole course and the course outcome attainment level.

For Labs, there shall be a continuous evaluation during the year for 25 internal marks and 50 end examination marks. Out of 25 marks for the Internal, day to day work in the Laboratory shall be evaluated for 15 marks and internal examination shall be evaluated for 10 marks conducted by the concerned laboratory Faculty. The end examination shall be conducted with external examiner and laboratory teacher.

Evidence of Success
The college has clearly stated all program outcomes, program specific outcomes and course outcomes for all programs.

  • The faculty, industry and alumni are actively involved in preparing program outcomes, program specific outcomes and course outcomes of all programs in the college.
  • The course outcomes of all the programs are made known to the students and staff by displaying in the website of the college.
  • Individual copies of the regulation book are distributed to all the students which contain details of the course outcomes.
  • Regulation books are also available in the library for student access.
  • Orientation program for all the new students is conducted every year at the beginning of the academic year to educate about all course outcomes.
  • At the beginning of the academic year all the faculty members will prepare the course files and laboratory manuals.

Institutional Distinctiveness

Name of the student Branch Date of Death Insurance company name Sanctioned amount Date of  sanction amount
R. Ravi Teja Mechanical 22/08/2015 BAJAJ ALLIANZ RS. 4,39,500 29/1/2016
P. Ravi Kiran Mechanical 1/10/2016 National Insurance Company Rs. 5,00,000 2/5/2017
S. Raghuvansi ECE 15/1/2017 National Insurance Company Rs. 5,00,000
S. Manasa ECE 9/5/2017 New India Assurance Company LTD Rs. 5,00,000
K. Shiva Kumar ECE 9/5/2017 New India Assurance Company LTD Rs. 5,00,000


The Joginpally B.R Engineering college vision is to provide safety to all students and staff.
Objective of the Institute:

Student Safety Insurance policies are offered to students and can be availed by educational institutions such as schools, colleges, etc. for the benefit of their students. This policy is issued under the name of the educational institution and the claim is paid out to the guardian or parent of an affected student. Once the institution purchases a Student Safety Insurance, all the students in the institution will be covered. In order to cover additional students, the institution will have to pay additional premium.

Features of Student Safety Insurance Policy

  • Cover: Under this policy, the students will be covered against loss of one or both limbs, one or both eyes, one limb and one eye, partial disablement, permanent disablement and also in the event of death.
  • Policy Period: the Student Safety Insurance policy covers a period of 12 months.
  • Policy Amount: This insurance policy is offered at a policy amount up to Rs. 5, 00,000 Renewal: In order to renew the policy you can approach your insurance provider before the date of expiry of the same.
  • Claim intimation: Generally, the insurance provider has to be informed of the accident, death or injury to the insured within seven days of its occurrence.

Eligibility of Student Safety Insurance Policy:

All the registered students in the educational institution that avails this insurance scheme are eligible to avail the personal accident benefits offered under the same.
Student Safety Insurance Policy Exclusions
The following are exclusions under the policy for which you cannot make a claim:

  • During the period of disability, the student cannot claim multiple compensations from different clauses under the policy.
  • Payment made after claiming 50% – 100% of the Sum Assured will be excluded.
  • Claims that exceed the Sum Assured under the policy, in the same time of availing the insurance, will be excluded.
  • Suicide attempt, illegal/ criminal acts, injury or loss caused due to the influence of drugs or alcohol, insanity, etc. is not covered under this policy.
  • Any claim related to pregnancy is not covered under this scheme.
  • Any injury or loss arising out of war or nuclear activities is also excluded from the cover.


The following documents will be required to claim the benefits under this life insurance policy:
For Death Caused by an Accident

  • Claim form duly filled by the concerned educational institution (school/ college, etc.)
  • Medical bills and other documents pertaining to the treatment (originals)
  • X-Ray and report, if any
  • Certified post-mortem report copy
  • Certified death certificate copy
  • Certified copy of the Police FIR
  • Certified copy of 2 months’ attendance list from the concerned educational institution.

For Injury Caused by Accident and Consequent Hospitalization

  • Claim form duly filled by the concerned educational institution (school/ college, etc.)
  • Claim form or medical report duly filled by the concerned medical practitioner.
  • Medical bills and other documents pertaining to the treatment (originals)
  • X-Ray and report, if any
  • Certified copy of the Police FIR
  • Certified copy of 2 months’ attendance list from the concerned educational institution.

Last Updated on May 16, 2019 by admin